Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hey everyone! My name's Breanne and I've been into photography for quite awhile now. My father is a photographer, my mother's a photographer, my sister's a photographer. So I guess you could say that it runs in the blood and it's finally caught up with me. At first I was just taking scenery pictures and the ocassional pictures of my kids, or someone else's kids. It wasn't until this fall when I relelised "Hey, I could make a living out of this!"

I've been playing around in Corel Paint Shop Pro for years now, and then, after a staunch anti-Photoshop chagrin that I finally got over, I started using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. Let me tell you... It opened a whole new door to photography. I realized that hey, I could turn these pictures from something ho-hum into something spectacular! And then I was hooked.

These were taken sometime last year or the year before of a church in the near-by (ok, it's not really near by, it's like 50 some miles away) called St. Paul. I left my camera behind because I was sure that there wouldn't be any picture oppurtunities. Man was I wrong. Thankfully my wonderful mother-in-law had a cheapie disposable camera that I was able to take pictures with and she gave me the prints and the negatives. I was amazed how well they turned out!!!

This is a gorgeous windmill that I found south of the town I live in. Thankfully I got a picture of it when I did because a few weeks later, either the people that owned the land or some vandalls had come by and tore it down :( Such a sad thing to see happen.

This is a defunct co-op near where I live. I love the industrial way it looks and I may use it for Senior pictures later this spring! ;)

A beautiful vestige of The Booth Theatre in downtown Independence. The City of Independence and some generous benefactors are trying to restore the Theatre to it's former glory. Here's the Booth Theatre's Facebook.

In the next few days I'll be adding more pictures from my photography business, but right now my fingers are cold and I have things to do! Hope everyone has a great day!
Breanne Sanford

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